Tweet Windows 8, which was fully unveiled at the Windows Build Conference in Anaheim, California, is here, and it looks much, much different from Windows 7. Sure, it has the start-bar-and-icon “Desktop” look that Windows users are familiar with, but it also has a new, touchscreen-optimized interface called ‘Metro,’ which looks more like the Windows
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Posts Tagged ‘internet explorer’:
Windows 8 Features list

Internet Explorer users have low IQ? its a Hoax
Tweet It turned out that many websites (CNN, BBC, NPR, CNET, Forbes, the Daily Mail, Mashable, the Daily Telegraph are just a handful) had been duped in recent days by supposed research from AptiQuant showing that users of Internet Explorer scored lower than average in IQ tests.
Internet Explorer Users Have Lower IQs Than Users Of Other Browsers, Survey Finds
Tweet Are users of Internet Explorer the dumbest on the Internet? Findings from a survey conducted by Vancouver consulting firm AptiQuant suggest just that. The company gave IQ tests to over 100,000 people, found randomly through user searches and targeted advertising; the test-takers did not know they were being judged based on what browser they
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Fake Firefox warnings lead to scareware
Tweet Purveyors of fake security software don’t let much grass grow under their feet and continually make improvements to their social engineering lures. While most of the talk for the past month has been their move to Mac with fake Finder pop-ups that appear to scan your computer, they haven’t stopped innovating on Windows either.
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Internet Explorer 9 Final May Release on March 16
Tweet Beauty of the Web event hinting at something major related to IE9 Last week, Microsoft rolled out the first Release Candidate of Internet Explorer 9 web browser. Apparently, the software giant is gearing up for the web browser war that seems to be heating up slowly. Neowin reported about a media invite being sent
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Chrome Successes over Firefox In The Top Browser Run
Tweet Edging out Firefox 27.80 percent to 27.67 percent Chrome has now passed Firefox as the most preferred browser for the month of November. It has been recently noticed that Google’s browser was only about 3 percent away from passing longtime leader- Firefox, making huge gains. What leaves us wondering is- how long Chrome would
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Adobe To Update Its Security Features In Its Latest Version Of Reader
Tweet Adobe’s latest reader will contain a major security upgrade. Adobe which is all set to launch the new version of its reader by the end of this year is all set to update the security features to protect it from “Attacks”. Adobe Reader Protected Mode will reportedly use sandboxing technology to limit the potential
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