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Google+ Gets Facial Recognition

Google is rolling out a new feature called “Find My Face” to Google+ users allowing them to opt-in to a new facial recognition feature for photos shared on the service.  Of course this isn’t the first foray Google has made into the facial recognition arena, they have offered the feature on Picasa Web Albums for a little more than three years. The feature is not available to all Google+ users yet , but Google has decided to alert users to the presence of the new feature instead of just turning it on.

Find My Face options dialog


Facebook Apologizes For Spam Program That Catches Innocent Users

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Facebook has sent notes of apology and is changing automated systems that blocked environmental activists and other people from posting on like-minded Facebook pages.

The activists weren’t victims of censorship, but rather an anti-spam computer algorithm that was impersonally doing what it was designed to do.

“Facebook is not – and has never been – in the business of disabling accounts or removing content simply because people are discussing controversial topics,” Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes said in a statement to The Associated Press. “On the contrary, we want Facebook to be a place where people can openly express their views and opinions, even if others don’t agree with them.”


Google+ Fastest Growing Social Network Ever – ComScore

Image representing comScore as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

The Google+ project, launched on June 28, is now the fastest growing social network ever with over 25 million members, according to a report from Web tracking firm comScore.

Google+ has, so far, out-paced the meteoric rise of sites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, comScore vice president for industry analysis Andrew Lipsman told the AFP.

The site is also catching on globally with significant membership in India, Britain, Canada, and Germany, according to the study. A July 2011 comScore study found that Google+ had attracted “20 million visitors in 21 days” and that the United States was home to approximately 5.3 million Google+ users. India was the country with the second-highest number of users on Google+, with 2.8 million members from India.


Randi Zuckerberg Leaves Facebook to Start New Social Media Firm (Resignation Letter)


Image by eirikso via Flickr

Randi Zuckerberg, who is director of marketing at Facebook and also the sister of CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg — is leaving the company after six years to start a new media firm to help companies become more social.

In her resignation letter, which is below in its entirety, Zuckerberg said:

“I have spent my years at Facebook pouring my heart and soul into innovating and pushing the media industry forward by introducing new concepts around live, social, participatory viewing that the media industry has since adopted. We have made incredible progress, but there is still much to be done and other ways I can affect change. Now is the perfect time for me to move outside of Facebook to build a company focused on the exciting trends underway in the media industry.”


Facebook: What Gets People To Engage Journalists Online

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Facebook has released data that addresses a question that has recently taken on fresh importance for journalists: How do you get “liked” on Facebook?

As part of a broader initiative aimed at encouraging reporters to use its service, Facebook has produced a report outlining what reporters can do to increase engagement on Facebook, measured in terms of “likes,” comments, and other feedback.

Facebook’s analysis of twenty-five Journalist Pages monitored over a two-week period offers social media insights that are relevant not only for reporters, but also for brands, businesses and individuals hoping to increase engagement with users on the social networking site.

Here are some highlights and tips based on Facebook’s data:


Old Version of Twitter to Be Eliminated “Very, Very Soon”

Follow me on Twitter logo

Image via Wikipedia

Nine months after the launch of New Twitter, the social media company is letting users know that the old version of Twitter will be completely eliminated “very, very soon.”

The old version of Twitter always asked users to switch to the new version of Twitter, but today the message was changed, and it’s more urgent. “You will automatically be upgraded to New Twitter very, very soon,” the top of Old Twitter now reads. The color of the top bar has also been changed to yellow as an alert to users.
