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There are numerous diverse apps and social networking apps and it’s tough to keep up with which ones are worth downloading and using. Meet Foursquare, it’s all about checking in at a certain location, whether that is a movie theater, restaurant or hospital. Here are a few reasons you should start checking in as soon as possible:
Fun for all: For those who love games, there are ‘prizes’ to be earned: Mayorships, Badges and Points. This may not mean much, but once you start checking in, let the games begin. Becoming a Foursquare mayor is the closest you will ever come to holding a political seat. The mayor is the user who has the most frequent check in’s at any given location. Don’t get too cocky just yet because you can lose that mayorship faster than you think! Badges are similar to Boy Scout badges; they are awarded for achieving check in milestones. Not only are receiving badges fun but the different badges are limitless and earn you bragging rights. Points are based on and granted for numerous reasons, example how often you check in or with whom you check in with.
I know what you’re doing: You are able to keep an eye on your Foursquare friends 24/7 with push notifications. This makes it easier to meet up because you are able to see their location and then get the details of the location, like address and a map. You have the ability to write comments on your friends check ins and also leave a comment on your own check in.
Discounts: Many different businesses offer some sort of coupon for their Foursquarer’s. You can earn these deals by being the Mayor or just simply showing up, either way this app really pays off. For example check in at the nail salon and spend $10 then get $10 off your next purchase. Hungry? At some restaurants you can get a free appetizer when you become a Mayor. If that is not enough, search other deals that are nearby.
A few tips: Not sure if the dry cleaners next door is good? Check out the Tips section to see what others have said. This is a great way to learn about what is good and what is not. Lots of people leave tips to give you an insider’s edge and you can also leave your tips on a location.
Fourqauare is the app that gives back, check in and score a deal or catch up with a friend. Foursquare is the app worth downloading, now start checking in!
Author Bio:
Kate Croston is a freelance writer, holds a bachelors degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. She writes guest posts for different sites and loves contributing internet service related topics. Questions or comments can be sent to: katecroston.croston09 @ gmail.com.
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