Tweet Search engine Yahoo has released its results for the top 10 search terms of 2011. This year, the most popular search were dominated by the usual news stories, celebrities and natural disasters, but there was also one big surprise. A gadget (see slideshow) topped Yahoo’s list of the top ten most-searched terms, a rare occurrence,
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Posts Tagged ‘bing’:
Yahoo’s Top 10 Search Terms Of 2011

Firefox With Bing Search
Tweet Microsoft and Mozilla have teamed up to create a new browsing option: A version of the popular Firefox browser will be available for download with Bing as the integrated search engine. Mozilla announced the partnership in a blog post, describing the new browser as “a customized version of Firefox that sets Bing as the default
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Blackhat SEO and Fake anti-virus – Like chocolate and peanut butter
Tweet Original Article posted on Author Name – Chester Wisniewski It’s not exactly a new story that people are being hit hard by fake anti-virus, but I want to draw attention to the sophistication of their software and distribution methods. Many IT professionals I work with have had to clean up after these infections,
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Google Social Search link moves forward
Tweet Social Search a feature provided by Google combines regular search results with publicly available data of friends- friends would generally mean Google contacts, Google talk and other networks from Google account. This feature was recently subjected to lot of controversy when Facebook a stiff competitor used a PR firm to
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Facebook Adopts Microsoft PhotoDNA To Remove Child Pornography
Tweet Facebook has partnered with Microsoft to fight child pornography online. The social network will implement Microsoft’s PhotoDNA technology, designed to identify and remove images that exploit or endanger children. Developed for the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, PhotoDNA creates a “blueprint” of an inappropriate or offensive image and can search through billions
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‘Traditional Search Is Failing’ – Bing Director Stefan Weitz
Tweet Most people think about search as a simple series of actions: type in a phrase, cross your fingers it brings up what you need, and then click around a page of blue links till you get what you were looking for. But Stefan Weitz, director of Microsoft‘s search engine Bing, says that we should
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Chrome’s new “Speak to Search” option
Tweet Google chrome earlier had developed a software that allowed the users to talk to the browser via HTML5 code. Now, a team has come up with an extension of this software that allows this software to be used in search boxes across the web. The extension, called “Speechify”, was developed by the Dugley Labs.
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