
Update Your Facebook Status Up to 63,206 Characters

Users may love Twitter for its brevity, but nowFacebook is taking the opposite approach by increasing the character limit on status updates to a whopping 63,206. Check out the chart below that reveals the history of the social network’s status update.

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How To Set Up Facebook Subscribe

Article From HuffingtonPost Written By Mandy Jenkins  When Facebook launched its Subscribe feature in mid-September, quite a few journalists sighed in relief. This, we thought, is what we needed: A way to communicate with a larger audience of readers while maintaining a somewhat private personal life behind a friend wall. I’m sure it’s a great option to other professionals,

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Facebook’s ‘Subscribe’ Button

In a blog post published Wednesday, Facebook announced that it would begin rolling out the “subscribe button,” a tool that offers users a new way to interact with one another, as well as more of a say over the information that appears in their News Feeds. “Our mission is to connect people and help them share. The goal of this

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