You Shouldn’t Be Facebook Friends With Your Boss, Survey Says

Image via CrunchBase
There are certain people it can be awkward to friend on Facebook. It’s not always the best idea to be friends with parents and coworkers on Facebook, but there seems to be a consensus that there is one person you should never friend-request: Your boss.
According to a survey of 722 people conducted by survey site SodaHead and anonymous feedback site YouTell, 81 percent say you should not be Facebook friends with your boss. Slightly more men than women said it was OK to friend your boss, and those age 25 to 34 (college-age kids when Facebook first appeared on campuses) were the most comfortable with the practice. A parallel survey that asked whether or not you should be Facebook friends with your co-workers was split: 55 percent said yes and 45 percent said no.
By pratyushkp
5 Tips for Dealing with Negativity on Your Blog
Category: Social, Technology Tags: Blog, Business, Comments, facebook, Forum (legal), Freelancer, Jack Meyer, Mean, Negative feedback, social media, twitter Leave a Comment
It’s almost inevitable that as you become more well-known in the blogging world you will eventually have to deal with negative feedback. Whether it’s someone critiquing the way you write or the decisions you make, negative commenters are always lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. How you respond to these comments, however, is what can make or break you as a blogger. If you are the recipient of a negative comment, keep these five tips in mind before you respond: