Social Media Guidelines for Students and Job Seekers

Social Media Week 2012 SP (Photo credit: Fora do Eixo)
Recently I ran across a great infographic that really brought home some important facts that all students and job seekers should be aware of when it comes to social media. There are a lot of hidden dangers in the wide open world of social media that many people do not seem to be aware of. Here are some facts that you may find interesting from that infographic:
- More than 75% of U.S. college students and young professionals check their Facebook status at least once a day.
- 36% of young employees age 18-29 list an employer affiliation on Facebook.
- The average young employee is friends with 16 colleges on Facebook.
There are pros and cons to adding your employers and co-workers to your social media accounts. On one hand it allows you to stay in contact easier and form stronger bonds, but on the other hand it is also a way for employers to get into your personal life and provide gossip material for your co-workers. A good way to avoid complications is to either clean up your accounts or limit what those friends can see.
The same idea goes for students and teachers. It is great to stay connected, but putting too much personal information out there can only lead to trouble down the line. Make sure you have strict boundaries between your personal and professional lives, even in social media.
Remember that nothing really goes away online. Even photos and updates that you delete can show up later to haunt you. That is why you should be very careful about what you write and post. Never post anything you do not want other now or in the future to see. By keeping your social media persona clean, you have a better chance of avoiding repercussions and issues down the road.
Social media can be a valuable tool or it can be an employment downfall, it is all up to you. Use social media wisely and keep in mind that what you post and chat about now can affect how people will view you in the future.
Author By line:
Allison once she graduated from college, as it allowed her to combine her two passions: writing and children. She has enjoyed furthering her writing career with . She can be in touch through e-mail allisonDOTnannyclassifiedsATgmail rest you know.