Small Business Social Media Tips from the Pros

Social Media Cafe (Photo credit: Cristiano Betta)
Want to take the small business to the next level? Then, it is necessary to take some quality social media tips from the pros to improve the business growth and take it to an altogether next level. Have a look below:
Tip 1: Become the “Real You” and Highlight It before the Customers
Taking help of social media networking sites like Facebook to highlight the business prospects before clients and customers. Highlight the “Real You” factor before them. Never forget to provide those occasional business tips. Get the latest blog post being linked to the social media site. But, wait! This is what all the other small business holders are doing. So, it will definitely be beneficial to show the potential clients and readers that “You” are real. How? Through regular
By pratyushkp
5 Tips for Dealing with Negativity on Your Blog
Category: Social, Technology Tags: Blog, Business, Comments, facebook, Forum (legal), Freelancer, Jack Meyer, Mean, Negative feedback, social media, twitter Leave a Comment
It’s almost inevitable that as you become more well-known in the blogging world you will eventually have to deal with negative feedback. Whether it’s someone critiquing the way you write or the decisions you make, negative commenters are always lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. How you respond to these comments, however, is what can make or break you as a blogger. If you are the recipient of a negative comment, keep these five tips in mind before you respond: