Google Translate – Best Functionality

Google Translate iOS icon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Recently, I was in Beijing and I witnessed something really amusing and impressive.
I went to a street hawker who was selling computer junk and I tried communicating with him. Well, apparently – China is a Mandarin speaking country with people having limited knowledge of English. So communicating with them is a big issue. Many many times, we just give up on communicating with a local in Beijing.
Now, our street vendor turned out to be an intelligent & indigenous guy. He knows that if he doesn’t communicate effectively with us, he will lose business and will ultimately lower his earnings.
So, How does he solve the problem?
He is selling technology, so simple - he uses technology to abridge the communication barrier. and how does he manage it – By using Google Translate. ( for those who don’t know about Google translate, its a google online application which can be used to convert one language into another – This amazing tool can be used to translate between 42 most widely used languages in the world ) His method of using the tool.