If an unauthorised party has logged into your Facebook account, then you’re far from alone. New official statistics revealed by the social networking giant reveal that 0.06% of the more than billion logins that they have each day are compromised.
Posts Tagged ‘Password’:
600,000+ Facebook Accounts Get Hacked Per Day

Google publishes web safety advice
Google has launched a campaign promoting online safety, in association with the UK’s Citizen’s Advice Bureau. The campaign, which will include adverts in newspapers, on public transport and online, is being run with the hope of encouraging internet users to take more care over their online activities – including using more secure passwords, and remembering
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What To Do If Your Twitter Account Gets Hacked
Spamming your Twitter followers with links to diet sites, specious videos, or links to “pics”? You’re not alone. From the slew of sketchy Direct Messages we’ve received from our followers and the numerous apologies popping up in our Twitter timeline, it seems that a large number of Twitter users have been compromised by spammers who
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Another Korean data breach – GOMTV.NET spills user account data, including passwords
Another South Korean service provider has reported a large-scale data breach, leaking usernames and passwords for subscribers worldwide. Late last month, cybercrooks made off with the personal information of up to 35,000,000 users of popular Korean sites Nate and Cyworld. This time, it’s the turn of Seoul-based streaming media service GOMTV to suffer a data-spilling
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Twitter finally released a “Stalkers” app? No, it’s a phishing scam
Twitter users are being hit today by messages claiming to link to a new app from Twitter which will track your stalkers. However, the messages are really designed to steal your Twitter usernames and passwords. Here’s a typical message that users are seeing: Twitter finally released an app that tracks your “Stalkers” get it here
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Is your Twitter account hacked and sending out ‘Beach Body’ spam?
Thousands of Twitter users are seeing unexpected messsages from hacked online friends promoting a weight loss supplement that will, allegedly, “get the beach body you’ve always wanted”. Get the beach body you’ve always wanted, now you can with this weight loss supplement [LINK]
Twitter phishing attack spreads via Direct Messages
Twitter users are reporting receiving direct messages (DMs) from other members of the network, cheekily asking if it is them who is pictured in a photo, video or mentioned in a blog post.


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