Image via CrunchBase
New versions of Twitter’s mobile apps are coming in to land on a device near you.
On Tuesday, the official Twitter Blog announcedupgrades for the microblog’s apps for Android devices, including the Kindle Fire and certain Nook tablets, as well as on Apple’s iOS devices.
The iPhone and Android apps will both feature a swipe shortcut that lets the user view a profile and reply, retweet, favorite or share a tweet without having to leave her home timeline.
Both apps will also get a “find friends” notification, which explicitly warns the user that she’ll be uploading her mobile contacts to Twitter’s servers. This is likely a response to the controversy that erupted last week when the blogosphere discovered that Twitter and other popular apps like Facebook and Instagram were swiping users’ address books without notifying the users.
iPhone users will also enjoy several more additions, including the ability to email, copy and tweet a link (via the “share” option) within a tweet. (Visit the Twitter Blog to see what other options iDevice users will now have access to.) You can download the iOS app right now at Apple’s App Store.
Twitter’s Android app will now be optimized for Ice Cream Sandwich-powered devices and for the “forked” Android OS tailor-made for Amazon’s Kindle Fire. Both versions of Twitter’s Android app are available for download at the Android Market and the Amazon app store. A version of the app for Nook Tablet and Nook Color will be available on February 23 though the Barnes & Noble NOOK Store, according to the Twitter Blog.
The Verge’s Chris Ziegler has been playing around with the updated Android app and notes that it feels “far snappier on our Galaxy Nexus than the build that it replaces, and seems to fix the all-too-common bug of the timeline “bouncing back” after flicking to scroll.”
Source :- http://www.huffingtonpost.com
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