Want to Feed Hungry Children, Play Farmville


Image via CrunchBase

Zynga is partnering with Pizza Hut to help fight world hunger. Players on popular Zynga games, includingFarmVilleCityVilleEmpires & Allies and The Pioneer Trail can purchase exclusive in-game items for $5. All proceeds from these specific purchases will go to the World Food Programme.

The pieces are both cutesy (see above) and educational. For example, the FarmVille item is the blue horse-drawn cart full of vegetables stamped with the World Food Programme initials. It’s a smart move by Pizza Hut and Zynga to not only have the items be helpful in-game but also support a worthy cause off-line. It’s the first time Zynga has partnered with a brand in this way.

Pizza Hut launched the partnership with Zynga as part of the annual World Hunger Relief campaign, which launches September 26. Pizza Hut has developed an entire website, called “Share a Slice of Hope,” to benefit the 2011 World Hunger Relief, including news updates, donation channels and links to similar campaigns.

Source :- http://mashable.com

  • FarmVille Addicts Can Help Feed Hungry Children (mashable.com)
  • Pizza Hut Launches Share a Slice of Hope™ Campaign to End World Hunger (prnewswire.com)
  • Pizza Hut’s Slice of Hope Campaign Integrates With Zynga’s Social Games (shoppingblog.com)
  • Zynga partners with Pizza Hut across CityVille, FarmVille and more (games.com)
  • Christina Aguilera Stars in New PSA for Yum Brands World Hunger Relief Effort (shoppingblog.com)
  • Reason to Worry Before Zynga’s IPO (blogs.wsj.com)

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Tags:Cart, Christina Aguilera, , , , Pioneer Trail, Pizza Hut, World Food Programme, World Hunger Relief,
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