After months of talk, Apple finally announced the release of its latest tablet device at an event in San Francisco, Calif. on March 7. World, meet the new iPad. (That’ right, “iPad.” Not iPad 3, not iPad HD, not iPad 2X — just iPad.) While the device doesn’t look too different from its predecessor on the outside,

Amazon Q4 2011: Net Income Falls 58 Percent
Amazon Inc. has announced its earnings from the last quarter of 2011. According to a press release, net sales increased to $17.43 billion, a 35 percent increase over the fourth quarter of 2010. Net income for Q4 2011 decreased 58 percent to $177 million, or $0.38 per diluted share. Net income for the fourth quarter

Facebook’s Most-Shared Stories Of 2011
Facebook has released a list of the 40 news stories that users shared most during 2011. Some of the most popular stories shared by Facebook’s 800 million-strong-and-growing population covered such diverse topics as zodiac symbols, touching videos, Steve Jobs, animals, natural disasters and more. According to the Telegraph, the top story (see slideshow) was shared more than

2011 Most Ideal Employers For Young Professionals In The U.S.
According to a press release from employee branding company Universum, young professionals in the U.S. would rather work at tech companies than investment banks, government agencies or healthcare organizations. In Universum’s study, over half of the ten most popular places to work were tech-related, while every investment bank on the list had become less desirable since

Some Must Follow Google+ Pages
Now, companies large and small — from Coca-Cola and The New York Times to your local bike shop or animal shelter — can set up their own Google+ profiles and connect with other users. Already, some pages have attracted thousands of followers. (Mashable’s Google+ page, for example, currently boasts just under 30,000.) Google’s social network

Shocking Study Reveals How Top Sites Use Your Personal Data
By Julia Angwin, Wall Street Journal A study released Tuesday shows that 45% of the top 185 U.S. websites transmit identifying details about their visitors to at least four outside websites. The data transmitted was primarily a “username” – which is the name a person uses to log into a website – or a user ID