Whether you blog for a hobby or blog for business/professional purposes…more likely than not one of your main goals is to get your word out there and draw as much traffic as you can to your posts. So if you are new to the blogosphere or maybe have found yourself in a bit of a
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The Most Click-Worthy Types of Blog Posts

Facebook ‘Girls Must Be Watch Out Of Her mind’ photo-tagging scam – the lessons to learn
Naked Security readers have asked us once again to warn of a rapidly-spreading photo-tagging scam on Facebook, this time with the grammatically curious title This Girls Must Be Watch Out Of Her mind After Making This Video. Here’s one wise Facebook user’s advice:

You Can Now Tag Pages in Facebook Photos
Ever had the urgent need to tag the Coke can you’re holding in that beach picnic picture on Facebook? Well, now you can, as the social network has added the ability to tag Pages in Facebook photos. Starting Wednesday (although the feature does not appear to be live yet), users will be able to tag
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