A hoax is spreading like wildfire on Facebook, claiming that hackers are posting pornographic movies on users’ walls which are invisible to the owners of the wall but are visible to friends and family. You can imagine how that would be pretty embarrassing if it were true. Fortunately, it’s nonsense. Here’s what a typical message looks like,
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Pornographic movies posted on Facebook walls? No Its a Facebook Hoax

Lady Gaga is still not dead
This weekend we saw another spate of Facebook messages claiming to link to a BBC News report of the death of Lady Gaga. Of course, the claims are untrue – and Lady Gaga is still alive. But that isn’t stopping Facebook scammers from creating money-making websites that claim that the eccentric pop star has been
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Man in wheelchair falls down elevator shaft – Facebook clickjacking scam
A shocking video of a man in a wheelchair falling down an elevator shaft? Is that really what you want to watch? Well, if it is, then you’re just the kind of person that a newly-discovered Facebook scam is looking for. Messages on the social network have been seen like the following: Man in wheelchair
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Hurricane Irene clickjacking scam on Facebook
States in the USA, such as Vermont and New Jersey, are continuing to deal with heavy flooding in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. And we weren’t surprised to find internet scammers attempting to profit from other people’s misery. For instance, here is a clickjacking scam which at the time of writing is still active on
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‘May God always bless..’ Facebook virus hoax spreads
Facebook users are sending scary warnings to each other regarding a supposed new piece of malware spreading across the social network. Attention!!!If you see anyone post out an application written “May God always bless this kind person below with peace, love and happiness”, with your profile picture attached below, and send by your friend via
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What To Do If Your Twitter Account Gets Hacked
Spamming your Twitter followers with links to diet sites, specious videos, or links to “pics”? You’re not alone. From the slew of sketchy Direct Messages we’ve received from our followers and the numerous apologies popping up in our Twitter timeline, it seems that a large number of Twitter users have been compromised by spammers who
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