Posts Tagged ‘Daily Mail’

Internet Explorer users have low IQ? its a Hoax

Published by pratyushkp on August 4th, 2011 - in Social, Technology

It turned out that many websites (CNN, BBC, NPR, CNET, Forbes, the Daily Mail, Mashable, the Daily Telegraph are just a handful) had been duped in recent days by supposed research from AptiQuant showing that users of Internet Explorer scored lower than average in IQ tests.

CNN report

BeautifulPeople dupes media with Shrek virus publicity stunt

Published by pratyushkp on June 21st, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Image via CrunchBase, the dating website which claims to only accept members who pass an attractiveness rating, is claiming in the media that it has been hit by a computer virus.

According to a press release issued by the website, it was hit by a virus called “Shrek” that made it possible for “30,000 ‘ugly’ people to invade the site.”

The story has been widely reported by the likes of The Guardian, The Telegraph, Fox News, The Daily Mail and many other media outlets.

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