Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

Twitter finally released a “Stalkers” app? No, it’s a phishing scam

Published by pratyushkp on August 13th, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Twitter users are being hit today by messages claiming to link to a new app from Twitter which will track your stalkers.

However, the messages are really designed to steal your Twitter usernames and passwords.

Here’s a typical message that users are seeing:

Twitter finally released an app that tracks your "Stalkers" get it here [LINK]

The MySpace puppies hack that wasn’t

Published by pratyushkp on August 13th, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Early on Friday, visitors of the MySpace website were presented with a curious message that left many users believing that the service had been hacked.

MySpace message

We messed up our code so bad that even puppies and kittens may be in danger. Please turn back

* Have your pet spayed or neutered. Buys Twitterfeed

Published by pratyushkp on August 11th, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Image via CrunchBase

he web’s dominant URL shortener,, has acquired social publishing tool Twitterfeed.

Twitterfeed is a tool that automatically publishes RSS feeds to social networks with a title and shortened link. Using the service, you can set your blog up to post to your Twitter account, or your Twitter RSS to publish to your LinkedIn page.

While some Twitterfeed functionality might pop up in at some point, it’s not the technology that is after.

Twitter Announces New Features For Sorting Followers’ Tweets

Published by pratyushkp on August 11th, 2011 - in Social, Technology
Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

Twitter is in the process of that will helps you sort and view what users are saying about you and what is important to users within your network.

The changes are coming to the selection of tabbed streams (located under‘s tweet box), which let you isolate specific information from the main realtime tweet stream. Twitter will push more content to your @Mentions stream, which will now be called the @Username tab and will display your personal Twitter handle when it rolls out to your account. The site is also adding a new stream, which will live under a tab titled “Activity.”

Tags: Activity Stream, , New Twitter Features, , , Stream, , , Tweetdeck, , Twitter New Features, Twitter New Tabs,
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