Posts Tagged ‘Phishing’

Twitter finally released a “Stalkers” app? No, it’s a phishing scam

Published by pratyushkp on August 13th, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Twitter users are being hit today by messages claiming to link to a new app from Twitter which will track your stalkers.

However, the messages are really designed to steal your Twitter usernames and passwords.

Here’s a typical message that users are seeing:

Twitter finally released an app that tracks your "Stalkers" get it here [LINK]

A direct message from Twitter Administration. Can you tell if it’s legitimate or not?

Published by pratyushkp on July 23rd, 2011 - in Social, Technology

For a long time we’ve seen spammers, phishers and malware authors concealing their advertising pitches, scams and malicious payloads by pretending to be a message from a social network, whether it claims to originate from Facebook, Twitter or even MySpace.

Here’s one of the latest we caught today, claiming to come from Twitter.


You have 2 direct message from Twitter Administration

The Twitter Administration

Smiley hats and free Vans scams flood Facebook

Published by pratyushkp on July 9th, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Hundreds of thousands of Facebook users have been fooled into believing that they will receive a hat with a large smiley face on it, and could potentially be putting themselves at risk of being scammed in the process.

Over 300,000 people so far have been tricked into liking a Facebook page, and sharing the link with their friends, in the dubious belief that they will be sent a free smiley hat to promote a firm’s new clothing line.

Ex girlfriend Facebook scams use shocking imagery, but spread quickly

Published by pratyushkp on July 4th, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Image by jepoirrier via Flickr

It’s turning into quite a bad weekend for Facebook with chain letters, phishing attacks and now the promise of hardcore videos being used to spread scams virally across the social network.

The following messages are currently appearing very rapidly. We’ve had to obscure the thumbnails as many people will find them disturbing.

Tags: Chain letter, , , , Look (American magazine), , , ,
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