Posts Tagged ‘Oxford English Dictionary’

‘Sexting,’ ‘Retweet,’ ‘Cyberbullying’ Added To Concise Oxford English Dictionary

Published by pratyushkp on August 19th, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Cover via Amazon

The words “retweet”, “sexting“, and “cyberbullying” have been added to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.

In celebrating its centenary anniversary, the twelfth edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary adds 400 new words, for a total of 240,000 total entries.

By including Internet slang and terminology in its latest edition, the Oxford University Press proves its commitment to “setting out new meanings for words“.

Here are a few of the new words added and their accompanying definitions:

verb: (on the social networking service Twitter) repost or forward (a message posted by another user)

noun: the sending of sexually explicit photographs or messages via mobile phone

noun: the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

Oxford To Stop Printing Dictionaries

Published by pratyushkp on August 30th, 2010 - in Social, Technology

The next edition of the Oxford English Dictionary may not be printed because of fall in book sales due to Internet.

Oxford University Press (OUP), publishers of the Oxford English Dictionary may not print the next edition of their dictionaries due to fall in sales and may be available only on print. The Dictionary is losing out its readers to online alternatives. The latest dictionary though will be available in its online version (OED) like the previous edition, which receives two million hits a month from subscribers who pay an annual fee of £240.
Oxford University press also gets royalty payments from Google, which uses an unbranded Oxford dictionary in its search engine.

According to Nigel Portwood, the chief executive of Oxford University Press “The print dictionary market is just disappearing, it is falling away by tens of percent a year,”

The latest edition of the dictionary prepared by a team of 80 lexicographers, which will contain words like vuvuzela- made famous in the recent football world cup- will only go to print if there is enough demand for the printed volume when it becomes ready.

Tags: , Dictionary, , England, , oxford, , , University of Oxford
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