Posts Tagged ‘Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers’

DoubleClick Founder’s New Startup Raises $6 Million

Published by pratyushkp on July 23rd, 2011 - in Social, Technology

Image via CrunchBase

FindTheBest, a comparison and decision engine, has completed a $6 million round of financing courtesy of the Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers’ sFund.

The newly secured funds will be used to launch a network of vertical comparison sites and help the budding startup expand internationally.

Founded by DoubleClick creator Kevin O’Connor, FindTheBest launched in August 2010 to help consumers make faster and more informed decisions by objectively comparing information on products and services.

The FindTheBest name is meant to suggest that users can turn to the site to find the best [insert anything here].

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