Image via CrunchBase
How soon we forget. MySpace, the mostly-abandoned, Justin Timberlake-owned social network of yore, was the first to ink a VoIP deal for member-to-member calling — more than three-and-a-half years before Facebook.
This little tidbit of truth was dug up by none other than MySpace co-founder Tom Anderson, who was also quick to point out that the “place for friends” also had one-on-one video chat in 2004.
In the Mashable archives we find that on December 11, 2007, MySpace released a feature that would allow its members to Skype via MySpace IM with a single click (sound familiar?), albeit without the video functionality of today’s Facebook release.
Interestingly enough, Skype was an eBay property at the time. Now, it belongs to Microsoft.
“The point is that people weren’t really ready for it back then,” Anderson, a Google+ user and newly self-professed fan of the competing Facebook offering, writes of video and voice chat on MySpace.
While this trip down social media memory lane might make it seem like Facebook is launching an antiquated tool, we certainly don’t think this ironic uncovering is cause for concern. After all, Facebook now has 750 million active members — Skype, by comparison, has 170 million regular users and 663 million registered accounts — and most of whom will care little about the social network’s seemingly late release, so long as it connects them to friends and family members.
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