On July 20, Google doffs its cap to the 189th birthday of Gregor Johann Mendel.
Posts Tagged ‘Google logo’
Independence Day 2011: Google Logo Honors The 4th Of July
Image via Wikipedia
Google‘s gone patriotic in honor of July 4, Independence Day in the United States.
Google’s homepage logo depicts a compressed map of the U.S., from San Francisco on the west coast to New York on the east coast, and everything in between.
Though a highway separates the east half of the map from the west and divides the Google logo down the middle, a rainbow joins the two coasts and passes over animated representations of Chicago‘s Willis Tower (aka Sears Tower), a family farm, a suburban home and other iconic American images.
Playable & Recordable Google Doodle Honors Guitar Great Les Paul
When you’re searching for something on Google today, you’ll notice a fascinating instrument at the top of the page: It’s a recordable electric guitar built in the shape of the Google logo, paying homage to guitar great Les Paul, who would have been 96 years old today (Thursday).
Hover your mouse over the strings, and you can strum this little instrument. You can also play notes on your keyboard. Click the rectangular record button positioned where the bottom part of the second “g” in the word “Google” would be, and every note you play will be saved for posterity. Update: We’re hearing the recording function is only working in the U.S.
There’s more. It creates a URL that you can send to others, so they can listen to your masterpiece. Here’s where it gets even more interesting: Send the URL to someone, and when that person pastes that URL into the address bar, you can play a duet together. Try it — play along with me.
Or, you can play along with your own recording, overdubbing just like Les Paul did for the first time way back in the late ’40s. Someone could actually make some real music with this.
Click the doodle itself, and it takes you to sites featuring Les Paul. Try it here.
How appropriate! Les Paul, one of the first electric guitarists and builder of one of the first solid-body electric guitars, was an innovative recording artist who created new ways to overdub tracks in the recording studio. And here his memory is honored with another innovation, a webpage that shows a playable and animated electric guitar — that can record and overdub — on his birthday.
Les Paul, after whom the storied Gibson Les Paul guitar is named, died in 2009 after living to the ripe old age of 94. Kudos to Google for honoring his creative spirit by building the best Google doodle ever.
Source :- http://mashable.com
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- Jeff Beck on Les Paul, Rod Stewart and John Mayer as the ‘New Eric Clapton’ (spinner.com)
- Who invented the electric guitar (wiki.answers.com)
- Richard Scarry Google Doodle of the Day (geeks.thedailywh.at)
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Google To Feature A Indian Student’s Doodle On Home Page
Google’s doodle for Children’s day was done by Akshay Raj, grade IX student from St. Aloysius High School, Mangalore.
Google has joined the nation as it gets ready to celebrate Children’s Day Today(November 15), the Homage will wear a new look, as Google unveils a doodle done by Akshay Raj, grade IX student from St. Aloysius High School, Mangalore.
The competition, Doodle 4 Google, conducted in September required students from classes I to X to submit their doodles on the topic ‘My Dream for India, along with a supporting statement. Chosen from over 108, 000 doodles submitted by students across the country, Akshay Raj doodle “Technically and Naturally Growing India” and was selected based on artistic merit, creativity, and expression of the theme. The winner Akshay Raj will receive a Technology Starter Package and an INR 2, 00,000 technology grant for his school St. Aloysius High School, Mangalore.
The doodle which was chosen by Dennis Hwang, the original Google Doodler, will be featured on Google’s Homepage as part of its Children’s day celebrations.

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