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By typing the message himself on an iPad, Pope Benedict XVI posted his first official tweet on Tuesday.
The tweet reads: “Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ! With my prayers and blessings, Benedictus XVI.
The Vatican had confirmed the pope’s tweet, announcing the launch of, a Vatican news and information site.
The Vatican first entered the world of social media as it unveiled a Facebook page dedicated to the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II in March.
The new site Pope Benedict XVI tweeted about will serve as a one-stop-shop aggregator of news from the Vatican’s various information sources: Vatican Radio, Vatican Television, the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, the Holy See‘s press office and Fides, the Vatican’s missionary news agency, said Monsignor Paul Tighe, the No. 2 in the Vatican‘s social communications office.
The site, rolled out first in English and Italian and then other languages, will be more news-based, bringing together onto one page the current disorganized web presence of Vatican media.
“This is a beginning, in a simple way, of allowing the pope to interact with the questions of people and allowing people a direct form of access to the pope,” the Fox News quoted Tighe as saying.
“With time we’ll see how different initiatives can develop, but the commitment there is to interactivity, to engagement,” he added.
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