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Bangalore University students now get speedier access to their degree certificates before their convocation thanks to the new online portal opened by university officials.
The initiative launched in partnership with MeritTrac Services, atesting and examination Services Company, allows Bangalore University students, who have completed their degree in 2010, to download their certificates online.
Bangalore University vice chancellor N Prabhu Dev said “During the first phase, only students who have completed their degree in 2010 will be eligible to apply for the convocation certificate. In the second phase, all students, including previous and forthcoming years, will be able to access this service,”
Students can go to and feed their BU registration number, and provide personal details (address, contact information, etc). Students can download the certificate- by paying a small fee of Rs 317-within two hours if they provide the required documents. The original certificate will be sent through post to their address within a month. The e-convocation certificates will be valid only until the main annual convocation after which students will have to get the original certificates.
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