Image via CrunchBase
Original Post at Yahoo News.
Bengaluru: Those who doubt the power of Twitter should think again as the micro-blogging site helped save a life today.
Jaishree Menon, a mother of three, today threatened to end her life as she said she could do nothing to stop her husband from exploiting his own daughter. She felt neither the police or any organisation could help her daughter.
She tweeted: “I think I should end my life. My daughter is exploited by her own biological father . no police no womens commission able to do justice.”
This post caught the attention of Twitter users who then jumped into action and spread the word among journalists, who contacted the police and made sure the 48-year-old Navi Mumbai resident was safe.
Here are some tweets on the Jaishree Menon case:
Barkha Dutt: Thank god @jaishreemenon is safe and sound ! Phew
Barkha Dutt: My colleague rashmi rajput in touch with area DCP re the @jaishreemenon case. Will update as soon as one knows more
Pervin Sanghvi: Please read @SachinKalbag ‘s tweets on Jaishree Menon. Relieved to know she and her children are safe. Thank you for mobilising support.
SachinKalbag: Jaishree is safe. Her daughter is okay too. So is her son.
Sachin Kalbag: The police have unearthed several details in the case, but of an extremely personal nature. So I am not going to post them here.
Sachin Kalbag: Reporters called the police in Navi Mumbai following which two officers have gone to Jaishree’s house. Let’s see what happens.
Sachin Kalbag: Our reporters are on the job in the Jaishree Menon case. So have the cops been alerted.
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