Image via Wikipedia
Wish you could be on Facebook both as yourself and as a virtual avatar version of yourself? Good news: here come “The Sims.”
EA will launch “The Sims Social” for Facebook as an extension of the popular Sims franchise. According to Mashable, a Facebook page for the game is already up, though no information has yet been released about when we can expect the game to go live.
“The Sims Social” will let users create avatars to interact with other Facebook users. There will also be a mobile app to accompany the game.
The Sims first launched back in 2000 and has since sold over 140 million units worldwide. In the game, users can play the part of virtual characters who interact with each other, get jobs, have babies and die.
EA’s new release would pit them against social game powerhouse Zynga, which dominates Facebook with popular games like Farmville and Mafia Wars.
Over 800 people have already reviewed the app on Facebook, despite the fact that it is not yet active. 900 users have also Like the games page on Facebook.
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